Upcoming Meetings


RecBio: A Biological Sampling Program for the For-Hire Fleet

Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 at 7pm at the Cask N’ Flagon!


Willy Goldsmith, PhD
Willy Goldsmith, PhD
Jeff Kneebone, PhD
Jeff Kneebone, PhD

Guest Speakers

Willy Goldsmith*, PhD, Pelagic Strategies
Jeff Kneebone*, PhD, New England Aquarium
Anna Mercer, PhD, NOAA Fisheries

As Atlantic cod management shifts from a two-stock model to a four-stock model, there is a greater need for location-specific biological and catch data from the recreational sector to support effective assessment and management. The Recreational Biological Sampling Program (RecBio) was launched in 2023 to support the collection of critical catch-at-length and catch-at- age information for Atlantic cod from the for-hire sector. Members of the Stellwagen Bank Charter Boat Association and other participating charter captains in the region have teamed up with scientists at Pelagic Strategies, the New England Aquarium, and NOAA Fisheries to collect data using a mobile app, which is then passed directly to stock assessment scientists. Initially
designed for Atlantic cod, the program has subsequently expanded to include winter flounder.

This month, Drs. Willy Goldsmith (Pelagic Strategies) and Jeff Kneebone (New England Aquarium) will chronicle the program’s success to date, which includes the collection of length samples for over 1,000 Atlantic cod and 1,500 winter flounder, along with the collection of otoliths (for ageing) and fin clips (for DNA analysis) from nearly 300 Atlantic cod. They will also describe plans for the future expansion of RecBio to establish consistent and reliable
recreational data streams that can make meaningful contributions to stock assessments.

Capt. Mike Pierdinock
SBCBA President

The Cask is located just off exit 27 on route 3

804 Plain Street (route 139) Marshfield, MA 02050

We will be sending out reminders as we near closer to the day of meeting. If you would like to become a member or renew your membership, please visit this page to pay via credit card or PayPal.